Monday, February 17, 2014

Total loss in 3 weeks

As I mentioned in my last blog, I decided to have a "cheat day" for the Superbowl and I did. The day after I decided I didnt want to do the diet anymore. I follow this diet to a T - never cheated and I think one cheat day I gave myself just made it hard to pick it back up again. So, since I didn't follow all the phases and just quit "cold turkey" I gained 3 lbs back in a few days. I was not eating "bad foods" but I do have a normal balanced meal and a few glasses of wine a week. :)

That said, after the 3 lbs gain I lost a grand total of 10 lbs in 3 weeks. I am 39 and simply can't lose weight that quickly any other way than the pq diet so, I am very happy with that. The pq diet is my favorite diet and I will always use it when I need to lose a few lbs! I think I have about 15 more lbs to lose. I am currently maintaining to 10 lb loss, juicing and eating well. I absolutely allow myself dessert here and there but I make sure its on an evening I can get up and go run or workout the next morning to burn that off! I have hired a personal trainer and I am very sure I will get back on the PQ Diet in the next few months.

I am not doing the diet the way you are supposed to - I could lose all the weight much sooner if I would however, my non-stop lifestyle makes such a strict diet challenging so, I dig deep for a few weeks and then maintain and repeat until I hit my goal. I didn't realize just how non stop my daily routine was until I started comparing daily life to some friends. I am also working on balance in that area as well ;)

I started this blog with the intention of helping people understand the pq diet however, people seem to be interested in the foods I cook and I also think people appreciate my honestly. I tell it all; good, bad and cheating (on my diet).  I will continue to post recipes and such on this blog at least monthly.

Diets are not always going to be easy but we all do our best and take it from there. I do not want to regret my lifestyle choices while they are still choices. So, health and wellness is the focus this year.

I would love to hear other peoples stories about dieting and becoming healthy this year!

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