Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 16: Feeling great!

Sorry ... I was getting so excited about my weight loss that I was posting it straight on FB and forgetting to blog.


It's day 16 and I have lost a total of 14lbs. I should probably expect the loss to slow down a bit which is fine but I must admit, its pretty nice to watch the scale drop almost daily.

 I have come to really enjoy Univeras Chili, making it into a yummy taco salad! Big question to answer for a lot of people ... no I am not getting tired of the Univera food. I get to make my own dinner so it's fish one night, then steak and chicken as so on. And the Univera food is honestly really good - I have no reason to be unhappy with my food right now. Part of my reason for doing this diet is time - I don't have time to prepare lots of diet food so, this plan is really helping me to stay disciplined because there is STRUCTURE. When I catch myself thinking about the persons pizza across the table from me, I think about how much weight I’ve already lost and suddenly I don’t want that greasy pizza anymore. Lol

 Speaking of discipline, I was talking to my new friend Jillian (who is a Univera Associate and is also on the diet) about how this diet (like all others) takes some discipline.  There is not one diet that allows you to do what you want, how you want and lose. So yes, you need motivation to a degree to keep you away from the cheesecake (mmmmm … cheesecake … focus). May I also mention that Jillian has been on the diet for about 3 weeks and has lost 15 lbs! She only has 5 to go ... YAY JILLIAN!

This diet is very different by way of helping your brain tell your body that it doesn’t need OR WANT sugar. A lot of what we eat breaks down to sugar so what we are doing with our brains on the PQ diet is essentially the same thing a Mother does when her child is abusing a privilege. “Sorry buddy but this toy (sugar) has to be taken away for a while until you can learn how to play with it (not over-eat it).

So, to keep this personal … I used an educated guess as to why I suddenly felt a million times better when I finally started taking all of the recommended supplements with this diet and here it is:

            This diet is temporarily restricting my body from the fats, carbs and sugars I over-ate to make me gain weight. So, what about the nutrients that goes along with those foods? Well, that is where the supplements come in! By suspending consumption of certain foods but yet not depriving my body of the healthy vitamins and minerals that are found in those foods, I am burning more fat at a much faster rate than any other diet I have been on. Not to mention the quality of these supplements.

This company leads in world-wide growth of organic aloe, we own the first and only full spectrum cell renewal product on the market. We are FDA compliant. Our products are scientifically proven to reduce DNA damage and increase repair functions in the body.


Well, I think I am going to be early tonight …  long day and I still have to get my PQ Diet gear together for tomorrow. :) Night y’all!


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