Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 5 ... you can't cheat.

Let me start with yesterday because I didnt realize what I had done until late. I was so busy at work I forgot to eat my univera protein pack which would add to why I was so hungry when I had my late dinner. Then, I also forgot to eat my Univera dessert. That said, if you read last nights blog you know that I "cheated".

Even with forgetting to eat, I still gained a pound this morning! I definitely did not go over my calories but I ate the wrong foods ... sugar, carbs and cheese fat. And only ONE MEAL! Geez!

Im still down 7 lbs and have 2 more days to go to complete the week so, I am confident I will lose it by then! I almost don't mind a little cheat here and there if the other days are going to be as rapid of a loss.

And so, on to today. 

I am getting sick - BOO! I have worked the past 3 days with a mask on so I don't pass and receive anything else. Its mainly my throat and I don't have a ton of energy. I have been taking DoTERRAs OnGuard  (which I think I linked in one of my previous blogs) and left it at work last night so I woke up worse! Im so glad I have it tonight.

The point of my pity party is to say this; its not an easy thing to diet while sick, especially when you have to have 4 cups of veggies per day however, I am doing it! If my throat becomes more swollen - I'll mash my cauliflower for a (nasty) yummy substitute for mashed potatoes (anyone have a recipe?  mine has always been terrible)! Even better ... I'll juice! Not sure how juice with no fruit will work but seriously folks, it's all about my will and determination; if I don't mind, it doesn't matter! All that means is you have to have a LITTLE faith in yourself to put SOME effort into this as with anything else you would do. You can try Zerona and lose a whopping 1/2 inch as I did or you can hunker down and do the opposite of eat and drink too much while watching TV. Like Oprah once said, she has all the money in the world. If there was a "magic bullet" she would own it!

Side note - Since Im not eating fruit I am ordering the rest of the supplements that comes with the diet. This diet is designed with my future in mind so, I need to follow it as best I can. 

I am taking the day off tomorrow to rest. Good luck all you dieters and contact me when you're ready. 

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