Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reminding myself its only been less than a month

Ready for the weight to be gone! I put on weight over the past 6 months so, all though I have lost 19 lbs I still can’t fit into my jeans and that is frustrating! The diet itself is going well though so, I just have to stay focused.

The weight isn’t coming off as quickly as the first 2 weeks which I expected so, I am only weighing myself weekly now. I don’t want to be disappointed if I don’t loss daily weight anymore.

I mentioned in a previous blog that I was told by the PQ Team that my Xperia drink isn’t compatible with the first phase of this diet so I have since discontinued use and I am really able to tell. I do not have the energy I have while taking it nor do I seem to have the focus and drive. These are all the reasons I started taking Xperia. It took about 2 weeks to feel the effects of not taking it so I am ordering Xtra to take its place as soon as I finish this blog. Kinda the same supplement but I don’t get the same amount of energy – something is better than nothing! For those who don’t know, I have chronic fatigue syndrome so things that seem normal day to day for most can be a challenge for me because I feel tired all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I will go and go (as some of you have seen) but I am not happy doing it unless I have my Xperia! Lord knows I wish I would have known about this when I was a Program Director at MMC!

Isn’t it funny how I end up missing my full spectrum cell renewal formula but I am okay (so far) with not having one cracker, piece of bread, pasta or any fruit  for almost a month?! I didn’t realize that until I wrote this. Lol A times I miss sweets but I have found that making a cinnamon roll out of the PQ flat bread really helps. I also bought Stevia. I didn’t at first because I’ve heard people say they didn’t like it. I find it refreshing because I can add it to my coffee and cinnamon bun! I sometimes also sweeten my PQ Vanilla pudding with Stevia and cinnamon.

Side note: Cinnamon send a “signal” to the brain to tell it that the body is no longer hungry :) I put it on my popcorn when I’m not on the PQ of course! Apple cider vinegar is also good sprayed on popcorn too … no really, try it … after your diet.

Please continue to email me with your questions. I hope my reputation carries me when I say I only support things I believe in!!!!! This diet works, lots of diets work but this one is far different from any other I’ve tried.  
*Supplements are included to keep me from losing important vitamins and minerals while I restrict my diet. This will keep me from "over-craving " (regaining) when off the PQ.
*It reintroduces those restricted foods slowly so your body gets used to them without gaining back.
*And it has an amazing support team VERY available.
*Oh and did I mention the food is DELICIOUS!?

Night y’all!

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